Quality of Life Podcast – Kiwanis

Discussing the difference between a Medicare Supplement or a  Medigap  Plan vs Medicare Advantage

PSL Broadcasters- Hosts Gary Owen and Tom Bouvier August 10th, 2021, Tuesday morning. Facebook live and Tune into WSTU 1450 AM & WPSL 1590 AM or stream live online. Quality of Life Radio Show “Bring relevance constant to listeners to support and showcase our local businesses and provide education and information that will help ensure your quality of life.”

It’s time for Quality of Life Radio brought to you by WellMed here are your hosts Gary Owen and Tom Bouvier it is the last day of August already the 31st of August 2021 and you are listening to The Quality of Life Radio Show. We come here every Tuesday morning with a wonderful guest to bring people relevant content and to support and showcase local business owners’ organizations.

Today our guest is Cher Fisher – LinkedIn with Kiwanis

“Once I retired, I threw myself into our community I’ve been president of Kiwanis for two years I’m on the board of family promise of martin county and I’m on the board of helping people succeed so I love our community and I’m so thrilled to be a part of Kiwanis because we really do take care of our children in our community absolutely fantastic.  “

“Let me just share a little with you about Kiwanis. We’re actually an international civic organization and we’re dedicated to children. We serve one child, one community at a time. Our motto is actually serving the children of the world. We have 7,000 clubs in 79 nations, it’s amazing! Although we were formed in 1915 in Detroit in the United States. We’re all serving the children of the world so we’ve raised about 100 million US dollars annually and 18.5 million service hours globally. The local Kiwanis club we have a Qantas morning club that’s a smaller group and they focus on scholarships students, but our club was formed in 1938 and we built our park in the 90s. “

The Kiwanis Club of Stuart started and supports numerous programs in our schools, K-Kids (elementary 4th and 5th graders), Builder’s Club (Middle school) and Key Club (high school) to teach children how to give back to their schools and their communities. Our signature project, Pancakes & Reading in the Park, celebrates Dr Seuss’ birthday and is always the first Saturday in March. We have two major projects throughout the year that involve clothing and readying underprivileged children in our community for school.

Check out https://kiwanisclubofstuart.org for more information! 

Owen Insurance group at 772-210-1020 and also obviously, Tom and I we work for Owen Insurance Group that’s located on US-1 just North of the Roosevelt Bridge. We spent Monday  with our leadership staff talking about what we’re going to do this Medicare Open Enrollment Period and one of the things we’re going to do is we’re going to invite the community no matter where you are or who you are to our office, we’re going to have a tent set up on Saturday during the Medicare Open Enrollment.  

Visit us at Owen Insurance Group see our office, inquire about health insurance products and services all at no cost. Not only will there be Medicare Open Enrollment, but also ACA Healthcare Open Enrollment will be opening on November the 1st and there will be three more health insurance companies coming on the Treasure Coast which would be Bright Health, United Healthcare, and Aetna. 

We are going to talk to you about what’s the difference between a Medicare Supplement or a Medigap Plan versus Medicare Advantage. 

On July 30th 1965 then President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a bill that led to Medicare and Medicaid. Him and his wife had the first two Medicare cards. 

What is the difference between a Supplement Plan and a Medigap Plan?   They are the exact same thing. It’s a supplement like a vitamin supplement, it fills in where you do not get the nutrients from your food and a medigap - it fills in the gap for what Medicare does not pay so Medigap and Medicare supplements are the same. 

For more information contact https://www.oweninsurancegroup.net and (772) 210-1020.