
Quality of Life Podcast – Hope Suicide Prevention

Offering Insurance Planning Solutions

it’s time for Quality of Life Radio Show brought to you by Cigna and Aetna Medicare. Your hosts Gary Owen and Tom Bouvier. It’s December 28th and this is our last show of 2021 we are bringing you live this hot red exciting radio show we call the Quality of Life Radio Show. If you’re driving, you can catch us on WSTU 14 50 or if you have an iPhone or any cell phone you can catch us on Facebook live at the Quality of Life Radio.

Be here every Tuesday morning. We come here for three reasons. Number one we bring relevant content to our listeners that’s information people can really use in their life. Number two we love this portion of our show to showcase and support local business owners and non-profit organizations. Number three we love to educate and bring information to people bout insurance planning solutions that would help improve our listeners quality of life. Our agents across the state of Florida and the country deal solutions to problems because obviously we know that insurance is confusing it’s complicated. If you have problems or have questions related insurance, we have the answers.

This morning we have young Mariuxi Baez with Hope Suicide Prevention. Mariuxi is twenty years old and started the non-profit Hope Suicide Prevention. Mariuxi started Hope to be able to allow an outlet for anybody to have their problems listened to. Having struggled with mental health herself, Mariuxi wanted to create a way for people in the community to come together and offer advice and experience to help those who are struggling.

Thank you for being with us. Tom and I will continue providing excellent phenomenal information about your Medicare and health insurance thanks for joining us we hope that you got value out of being with us this morning please share this with your friends your family your neighbors let them know about the greatest quality of life radio show and remember stay safe keep happy be healthy and enjoy your quality of life.

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