

You receive your new MBI (Medicare A&B) card, whether by aging into Medicare – turning 65, losing employer health coverage or retiring

CONGRATULATIONS…your new Medicare (MBI – Medicare Beneficiary Identifier) card just arrived in the mail (which is usually effective the first day of your birth month when you turn 65), so now what do you and who do you turn to? You are at the crossroads of a very important decision and I cannot tell you how important it is to make the right decision here. Medicare has a lot of moving parts which makes the Medicare maze even more confusing, so it’s important to work with a local Medicare planning professional.

Do you ask your neighbor what they have and enroll that plan because “they LOVE it”, do you listen to the incessant TV commercials and phone the large call center and enroll in one of their “advertised” plans, do you call ghost busters or do you just become an ostrich and put your head in the sand and do nothing (like many do actually), because it’s overwhelming and confusing and you don’t really know what to do and who to turn to?

OK, here’s the deal…once you receive your new MBI (Medicare A&B) card, whether by aging into Medicare – turning 65, losing employer health coverage or retiring, you technically will have 3 options to choose from:

Choice #1

Stay on original Medicare (A&B) and enroll in a stand-alone part D plan (not the best move)

Choice #2

Add a Medigap plan to pay for some or most of the balances that original Medicare doesn’t pay

Choice #3

Enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, also known as Part C (usually includes prescription drugs)

Any one of these three choices that you make for your Medicare may have a profound effect on the way you receive your healthcare (and your out of pocket costs) for the rest of your life. This is why it’s important that you make the right choice from the get-go. I always say this, “It’s important that you get it right the first time because the decisions you make today may last a lifetime”.

I believe that having the flexibility and the freedom to choose to go to any doctor, specialist or hospital that you want to go for your healthcare needs (without the worry of networks) is a key decision-making point. Contact our office for an unbiased, educational, methodical, and holistic approach to your healthcare planning needs. Owen Insurance Group is a national independent brokerage agency representing most of the carriers, giving you access to more plans & options. We will find the right one that’s best suited for your needs and budget.

Call us today to receive your FREE “GUIDE to MEDICARE…with CONFIDENCE” and get started on the right foot. You don’t have to travel this road alone and owe it to yourself to call the pros at Owen Insurance Group and let one of our Medicare guides help you navigate the Medicare maze.

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